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- ; DESC: Displays hexadecimal codes as ASCII values V1.00
- ; IN: *{HEX_WORD} hex word (0000 - FFFF)
- ; OUT: *{ASC_HI} first two characters of result (i.e EF from EFAB)
- ; *{ASC_LO} second two characters of result (i.e. AB from EFAB)
- ; ##################################################################
- Extrn PUSHALL:Near
- Extrn POPALL:Near
- HEXDSPLC Segment
- ;notice.
- DB 'HEXDSPLY - V1.00, Copyright 1987, CoreTechs ',0DH,0AH
- HEXDSPLY Proc Near
- Call PUSHALL ;save registers.
- Pop DX ;recover hex word.
- Mov AX,0F000H ;mask out 4th nibble.
- And AX,DX
- Mov BH,AH
- Mov CL,4
- Shr BH,CL ;store in BH.
- Mov AX,00F0H ;mask out 2nd nibble.
- And AX,DX
- Mov CH,AL
- Mov CL,4
- Shr CH,CL ;save permanent in CH.
- Mov AX,0F00H ;mask out 3rd nibble.
- And AX,DX
- Mov BL,AH ;store in BH.
- Mov AX,000FH ;mask out 1st nibble.
- And AX,DX
- Mov CL,AL ;store in CL.
- Cmp BH,9 ;determine if hex digit is
- Ja BH1 ;in 0-9 range.
- Add BH,30H ;if not, add to make ASCII.
- Jmp BL1
- BH1: Add BH,37H ;add to make letter.
- BL1: Cmp BL,9 ;determine if hex digit is
- Ja BL2 ;in 0-9 range.
- Add BL,30H ;if not, add to make ASCII.
- Jmp CH1
- BL2: Add BL,37H ;add to make letter.
- CH1: Cmp CH,9 ;determine if hex digit is
- Ja CH2 ;in 0-9 range.
- Add CH,30H ;if not, add to make ASCII.
- Jmp CL1
- CH2: Add CH,37H ;add to make letter.
- CL1: Cmp CL,9 ;determine if hex digit is
- Ja CL2 ;in 0-9 range.
- Add CL,30H ;if not, add to make ASCII.
- Jmp DONE
- CL2: Add CL,37H ;add to make letter.
- DONE: Push CX ;return hex in ASCII format.
- Push BX
- Call POPALL ;recover registers.
- Ret
- End